A flexible, user friendly tool for the analysis of cellular systems

Computer modelling has become an integral tool in the analysis and understanding of the reaction networks that underlie cellular processes. PySCeS, first released in 2003, is extremely flexible, user-extendible, open source, software actively used and developed by a community of researchers and developers.

The latest PySCeS release is version 1.2.1 (May 2024).


User friendly

  • Define models with human readable, Model Description Language.
  • Use the full power of Python available to test, build and share your modelling experiments.
  • User friendly methods for generating and 1, 2 and n-dimension parameter scans.
  • Visualise results of simulations with flexible Matplotlib and Gnuplot interfaces.
  • PySCeS supports open community standards for model exchange (SBML) and archiving (SEDML, OMEX).

Modelling features

  • Simulate your time courses with solvers like LSODA.
  • Efficiently determine steady states using a selection of non-linear, root-finding algorithms (e.g. HYBRD, NLEQ2).
  • Use Metabolic Control Analysis (MCA) to investigate control and regulation of cellular systems (elasticities, flux control and response coefficients).
  • Perform structural analysis and determine nullspaces and reduced stoichiometric and MCA matrices
  • Investigate systems which exhibit multiple (stable and unstable) steady-state solutions using PITCON based bifurcation analysis module.

Installing PySCeS 

PySCeS is available for all major operating systems. The easiest way to install PySCeS is to use a Python package manager.


pip install pysces

conda install -c conda-forge -c pysces pysces

Latest source (GitHub see for instructions)
git clone

The main branch contains the latest release code, for the latest development code, checkout the development branch. I you would like to contribute to PySCeS please do so using pull requests against development.


For more information on using and citing PySCeS try the documentation or 2005 Bioinformatics publication.


PySCeS source code, issue tracker and wiki available on GitHub and see who is citing PySCeS on Google Scholar.

PySCeS releases are archived on Zenodo and can be referred to as DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2600905

Contact us  

Would you like to:

  • Chat to a developer or user community: try the PySCeS Google group.
  • Report a specific code issue or discuss existing or new functionality? Create an issue on the PySCeS GitHub repository.